Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Because "The Web" just wasn't a broad enough topic ...

Well, the title pretty much says it.

After 500 or so posts of Field Notes on the Web, I've decided to relax and stretch out a bit. As I said at the time, Field Notes isn't going away, but the self-imposed ten-post-a-month quota has, leaving more time free for other pursuits such as ... um ... blogging.

Since the whole point of the exercise is to relax a bit, there will be no quota here and the topic will be whatever I feel like at the moment. In other words, it'll be a more or less bog-standard blog.

That said, I expect to stick to non-fiction, particularly commentaries, half-baked analyses and random speculations, roughly on the order of Field Notes but not about the web (if it is about the web, it'll end up on the original blog, of course). I also hope to keep to topics on which there isn't an obvious surplus of opinion in the blogosphere. Better to be a big fish, or perhaps more aptly the only fish, in a small pond.

If you're still with me after all that, welcome aboard! We may not get very far very fast, but I hope at least it'll be a pleasant excursion.

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