Thursday, May 31, 2018

Cookies, HTTPs and OpenId

I finally got around to looking at the various notices that have accumulated on the admin pages for this blog.  As a result:

  • This blog is supposed to display a notice regarding cookies if you access it from the EU.  I'm not sure that this notice is actually appearing when it should (I've sent feedback to try to clarify), but as far as I can tell blogspot is handling cookies for this blog just like any other.  I have not tried to explicitly change that behavior.
  • I've turned on "redirect to https".  This means that if you try to access this blog via http://, it will be automatically changed to https://.  This shouldn't make any difference.  On the one hand, https has been around for many years and all browsers I know of handle it just fine.  On the other hand, this is a public blog, so there's no sensitive private information here.  It might maybe make a difference if you have to do some sort of login to leave comments, but I doubt it.
  • Blogger no longer supports OpenID.  I think this would only matter if I'd set up "trust these web sites" under the OpenId settings, but I didn't.
In other words, this should all be a whole lot of nothing, but I thought I'd let people know.

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